CW Tools
Fun, productive, cleaner modding
- Immediate highlighting of syntax errors
- Autocomplete while you type, providing descriptions when available
- Tooltips on hover showing:
- Related localisation
- Documentation for that element
- Scope context at that position
- Comprehensive validation covering common, events, and more, checking
- That attributes exists, are used in the right place, and are spelled correctly.
- That the right number of attributes are defined.
- That used types are defined (e.g. events you reference exist, and event_targets you use exist)
- That required localisation keys are defined, and scopes used in them exist.
- That scopes are correct for effects/triggers/modifiers.
- That referenced sprites/graphics/files exist.
- And many more checks on cross-references, values, and correct script usage.
- Rich IDE features such as “Find all references”, “Go to definition” and the Outline view.
- Intelligent load order handling with multiple mods, so that all features include your mods’ additions.
- “Code actions” to generate .yml for missing localisation.
- An interactive flowchart showing how events connect.

Scope errors

Localisation error

Go to definition

Find all references